http://Canada Population 2023 Approaches 40 Million Due To Immigration

anada population is estimated to be at 39,566,248 as on January 1, 2023, following a record population rise of 1,050,110 individuals from January 1, 2022 to January 1, 2023.

Canada’s real-time population clock displayed total population of 39,732,937 as on March 23, 2023.

Canada Population 2023

This is the first 12-month period in Canadian history in which the population increased by more than one million people, and the greatest annual population growth rate (+2.7%) on record since 1957 (+3.3%).

Canada continues to dominate the G7 countries in population growth in 2022.

Canada’s population rose by 273,893 (+0.7%) from October 1 to December 31, 2022, marking the fourth quarter of 2022.

This was the best fourth-quarter growth rate since the same time in 1956 (+0.7%). During the fourth quarter of 2022, immigration accounted for virtually all of the rise (97.7%).

This quarter witnessed the greatest projected net new non-permanent residents (+196,262) of any fourth quarter for which comparable statistics exist, with 83,152 immigrants added.

As per Statistics Canada report, temporary immigration is the most important source of growth in Canada.

Canada accepted 437,180 immigrants in 2022, with a net increase in non-permanent residents anticipated at 607,782.

Both of these figures are the highest on record, indicating greater immigration objectives and a milestone-breaking year for immigration application processing at IRCC.

The net expected number of non-permanent temporary residents in all provinces and territories increased year-over-year in 2022.

Number of new work and study permits as well as the number of asylum seekers increased across Canada in 2022.

Latest Canada Population 2023 (Estimated)

Geography Total Population Net Change Percentage Change
Canada  39,566,248 1,050,110 2.73%
Ontario 15,386,407 445,495 2.98%
Quebec 8,787,554 149,904 1.74%
British Columbia 5,399,118 147,540 2.81%
Alberta 4,647,178 164,793 3.68%
Manitoba 1,431,792 33,489 2.39%
Saskatchewan 1,214,618 29,307 2.47%
Nova Scotia 1,037,782 35,341 3.53%
New Brunswick 825,474 26,229 3.28%
Newfoundland and Labrador 531,948 9,447 1.81%
Prince Edward Island 173,954 7,096 4.25%
Northwest Territories 45,493 -217 -0.47%
Yukon 44,238 997 2.31%
Nunavut  40,692 689 1.72%

Interprovincial Migration In 2022

In total 396,281 Canadians changed their usual place of residence and moved to another province.

Alberta continues to be the top gainer in net interprovincial migration, with Canadian residents moving to the province for better prospects.

Ontario being the largest province by area and population, lost net 52,017 residents to interprovincial migration.

Geography In-Migrants Out-Migrants Net Change
Alberta 111,899 66,373 45,526
Nova Scotia 28,928 16,711 12,217
New Brunswick 22,562 13,273 9,289
Newfoundland and Labrador 9,532 7,213 2,319
Prince Edward Island 6,287 4189 2098
British Columbia 69,788 69,307 481
Yukon 1812 1734 78
Nunavut 1623 1581 42
Northwest Territories 1856 2756 -900
Quebec 30,123 33,241 -3,118
Saskatchewan 18,424 24,307 -5,883
Manitoba 13,989 24,121 -10,132
Ontario 79,458 131,475 -52,017